Welcome back to another edition of Swoop Scoop focusing on the digital space! We hope everyone is staying safe and well during this time. We want you to get out and enjoy the rest that summer has to offer in between your Instagram shifts which is why we’re here to drop some Swoop Marketing knowledge on making the most of your social time. Get your notepads out (or notepad apps), it’s time to learn all there is to know about getting noticed via #instagramhashtags.
The smaller the audience, the greater the chance of standing out!
Starting small when it comes to hashtagging on Instagram should be your main tactic when approaching new markets. General words and topics will find your post in a heavy feed of incoming traffic. Want to find all your fellow wellness fanatics? No problem. We recommend starting with the basics and then narrowing your hashtags down to more in depth keywords. Instead of only using wellness, try expanding on that and see what topics have a smaller audience. Keywords such as #wellnessexpert, #wellnessjourney and #wellnesseveryday will give you that personal experience we’re all looking for when sharing on social.
Get to know your local community and join the discussion!
Hashtags have an insane way of taking over local community events, discussions and feeds. Want to expand within your local area or are just looking to connect? Find out what’s going on within your community by searching hashtags + your location. Combine any topic, hobby or current social issue with your location and see the feeds available. With the introduction of the follow option for tags, this is a perfect way to stay updated with what’s happening around you!
Get trending with one step. Participation.
Have you seen the hottest influencers posting giveaways or contests? This is not just for their personal sponsorships but also heavily for the exposure this will give them. There are a wide range of interactive posts that range from contests to follow-back sprees which all run on one main social tool – hashtags. Spread the word or get involved by participating in online activities that encourage you to hashtag your entry. Not only will you have the chance to win a sweet prize, you might gain yourself some decent exposure from the feeds you’ve just been featured on!
We’ve broken down all that we can for today when it comes to hashtags! Do you have any tips that we’ve left out?
Let us know!
Until next week,
Swoop Marketing