Happy Holidays Swoop Subscribers! Stressing about the busy week ahead? Don’t fret, Swoop has you covered with our top 3 pro tips to keep your head in the game this holiday season.

Plan Ahead
There may not be a ton of time left in between the rush of picking up those last gifts and making it to all your holiday plans but you still have time to get your week in shape by planning ahead. Get yourself organized this holiday season so that you are on top of your game. We love daily planners that put your wellness first and don’t over complicate your day-to-day. Pick up the 5 Minute Journal and see how your day becomes that much easier with a little healthy organization. (P.s. We think this is a pretty awesome gift for your loved ones too!)
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
Things happen and times get tough but if there’s one rule we swear by it’s the classic: don’t sweat the small stuff! Especially around the holidays we are prone to endure some crazy (and we mean CRAZY) days! Take a deep breath and remember what this season is all about! Focus on the power of positive thinking and enjoy every last minute before you jump back into the grind.
Take Time For Yourself
There’s not much else to say but to remember to make yourself a priority this holiday season. Everyone deserves a break and you won’t feel guilty skipping out on your normal activities since everyone will be doing the same. Been meaning to get into that book you bought months ago? This is your time to unplug and get back to taking care of you.
Wishing You Happy Holidays from the Swoop Marketing Team!
Until next week,
Swoop Marketing