Welcome back Swoop Subscribers!
We've spent a lot of time taking in the New Year trends and it got us thinking about what the most important factors are for making your Brand stand out online! Our team of Social Media experts swear on these three traits that are destined to make your Brand soar. Get your notes out, this is some Social Media teachin' you'll want to keep with you this year.
1. Texture
We know we may sound crazy that we're telling you to start pushing out texture throughout Social Media. To all the non-designers out there confused as to how we are about to make a flat image multi-dimensional, we got you. Texture speaks for itself when showcased properly. Social Media can become a complete distant reality without including multi-sensory traits that engage users, which is why we've grown to love branding through texture. Whether you're pushing a makeup line and your users can't get enough of the crumbling and sparkling guilty pleasure videos, or a lifestyle blogger showcasing the dreamiest of places through underwater shots or grains of sand, there's no doubt that we are truly obsessed with getting transported through their images and feeling like we are really there. Step up the quality on your posts and take your users on a journey with you by incorporating texture this season!
2. Lighting
One of the most important topics to discuss when it comes to showcasing your Brand online is your overall aesthetic. We have tried every way at incorporating different methods to create a fluid look online but nothing compares to lighting. With this top trait, your Instagram feed is about to soar! Lighting takes the main stage with photography as we can incorporate many different types of shooting and editing style, throw them together and end up creating a visually pleasing theme simply by matching your lighting and tones. Even when you're using stock photos, paying attention to lighting details to create your content plan is going to set you apart from your competitors. We see a bright future ahead for your Social!
3. Personality
Introduce yourself, already! We know your style and your posts but do we really know your Brand? Get down deep with your followers and find out what they are dying to know about you! This may not be obvious, and they may not even know it yet, but understanding your users patterns and what really gets them to engage is going to put you ahead of the game. People are more likely to engage with you when you're being candid and discussing matters that they are genuinely interested in, so adding in that personal, yet calculated, touch is a great place to start!
We hope these tips got your mind going for your next big Social move. Still not sure if you're ready to hit the 'gram? Contact Swoop Today and receive a Brand analysis from our Digital experts to get you on the right track to soar!
Until next week,
Swoop Marketing